Tiat is Singapore’s Benjamin Button

53 (chronological)

32 (biological)


Stay Younger for Longer

DeAge (扭转衰老) with Tiat (林哲)

Train with me

Eat my food

Take my supplements

100% Natural (天然)

BEAT™ - BEspoke Age Test

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All reports and scans available for inspection upon request


Segment 9:15-14:12 (5 mins 27 seconds)

National Day 2024 with MP Alvin Tan

Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry

10 Years Younger Challenge


Turn back your biological clock by 10 years. Get a 6 pack. Reduce the risk of age related diseases to 0.



Prevention is better than cure.

Biological Age Testing

The BEAT™ - BEspoke Age Test - is the ultimate health check-up. Comprising Clinical + Sub-Clinical Cut-offs (plus Supporting data). Methodology: Biofluids, Imaging and Mechanical Testing. Including: Blood, pee and poo.

Forbes Four

Annually 4x Forbes Billionaire challengers will be accepted by referral and closed auction. Those with EDB approved Family Offices prioritised. Heads of State may also apply. Auction closes: 31 March 2025. Includes participation in XPrize Healthspan NUS Bespoke DeAging Study (50-59 years old preferred).

How much is your life worth?

How much will you pay to be 10 years younger?

Money Back Guarantee

Training commences 28 April 2025. Every 12 months on program - you will deage at least 5 years. Or your money back. 6-pack included. Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard ranking assured.

* Terms & Conditions Apply

Dr Charlotte Lim

“I started FitRX® training with siblings Yan and Tiat when I was 72. It is never too late to start. But it’s better to start early. I have abs! I can now do pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups and sit-ups. I have no age related diseases. I take no medication because my doctor has given me a 100% clean bill of health. My good HDL cholesterol is 2.5 mmol/L. At 75 my artery age was 67.” *NUHS Centre for Healthy Longevity

Yeo Wen Chek

“I am in the best shape of my life. I regularly RX my FitRX® classes. My knee pain has been dispelled and so avoided surgery. Lost 5kg and waist went from 33” to 30”. I am more energetic and don’t tire easily. Built strength to carry my son and heavy groceries! At 40 my artery age was 20. ” *NUHS Centre for Healthy Longevity

Melody Chong

“Doing FitRX® classes 5x a week at RX level has paid off. After over a year, I saw my strength improve. Lifting heavier weights in the range of 10kg-15kg for WODs. And increasing my strict pull-ups from 5 to 10 unbroken. My good HDL cholesterol is 2.58 mmol/L. I was amazed that at 44, my artery age was 20!” *NUHS Centre for Healthy Longevity